Arizona Wildcats Money Line shirt
Arizona Wildcats Money Line shirtThe Arizona Wildcats Money Line shirt to answering your question is experience. We exist to experience; we know we exist because we experience our own existence. The second key is observation. We observe our existence, our experience. We witness, record, and reflect upon our experience. The third key is intention. From observations of our experiences, we build a theory of “reality”, and make choices to act or not act based on that theory. We form an intention to create a specific experience that we want to observe. Now we have a sufficient solution to the problem. Experience, observation, and intention together create reality. They cannot exist without each other. None is more fundamental than the other, and none can be removed without destroying the others. Experience, observation, and intention: the grand experiment. We exist to try things, experience them, and observe the result. There is no meaning beyond that; when we are gone, all those things are gone too. We should use the little time we have to make as many experiments as possible. We have been blessed with the opportunity to experience, observe, and intend, and we should not waste it.
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Off we drove, with the Christmas tree comfortably between the two of us! I drove Robin back home and we maneuvered the tree out of the Personalized Inter Milan Campioni D’Italia Hawaiian Shirt as pine needles dropped profusely all over the VW bug. I setup the tree in her home after moving a few pieces of furniture and she went off to get a box of decorations. At that point in time, I could sense she wanted me to stay to decorate the tree, but I knew I could not because my girl-friend was waiting. I gave her a big hearty hug, and told her Merry Christmas as I left. In my life time and with all due sincerity…that was my best ever holiday… “So this is Christmas.” moment!
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